Alliance works with the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus
“My friends,
Today is an historic Saturday. The largest turnout in any vote, anytime, anywhere, took place and the results were rendered today. President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris make history several ways, and to many of us it feels like a storm is lifting. Still, it is critical that we keep in mind that this election was not a landslide, and there is still support in the Country for the Trump Administration. In the days to come, we will surely all be tested, and it is imperative we stand united as Americans; as brothers and sisters despite politics.
The LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance is committed to working with our friends in the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Fair Housing Alliance and so many others in pushing for fair and equal housing for all LGBTQ+ Americans throughout the Country. We look forward to the potential of the Equality Act being resurrected and escorted through Congress to the desk of President Biden for signature. We look forward to the elimination of housing discrimination in the remaining 27 states where it is legal. We pledge to work with this Administration to whatever degree possible to make America a more inclusive and fair country for all people, not just those who side with a political agenda. The Alliance is proud to be made up of members from all walks of life, and all political backgrounds and mindsets.
Today is a milestone in history. And, despite the chaos of the pandemic, the patience required to count all legal ballots submitted prior to and on Election Day and recent appointments to the Supreme Court, we find a rainbow emerging after a thunderstorm for equal rights. We must continue to stand for equality, and listen to our brothers and sisters, not despite, but because of political view and diversity of thought. We must stand for unity! America has much work to accomplish in the days, months and years to come, but if we all pledge to start anew today and walk forward in the hope of making America respectful again, we can ensure possibilities for this generation, and generations to come.”
Yours in Pride,
Ryan A. H. Weyandt