2024-2025 Chapter Elections

Exciting times are ahead as Chapters gear up for the 2024-2025 Chapter Elections, guided by the Chapter Handbook and Alliance Bylaws! Not every chapter will be holding elections, but for those that are, this guide is your go-to resource for everything you need to know about election policies and procedures. We’ve also included answers to common questions. If you need more information, feel free to reach out to your Chapter Delegate or our National Chapter Program Manager, Pip Franke. Let’s shape the future together!

Self-Declaration of Candidacy

To be included on their Chapter’s election ballot, all candidates must submit a Self-Declaration of Candidacy. This requirement also applies to current chapter board members seeking re-election, they do not appear on the ballot by default. The submission form will be available from July 24, 2024, at 12:00 AM CT until August 14, 2024, at 12:00 AM CT.

Key Dates

  • July 24th, 2024 at 12:00AM CT – The Self-Declaration of Candidacy Form opens
  • August 14th, 2024 at 12:00AM CT – The Self-Declaration of Candidacy Form closes
  • August 26th, 2024 at 12:00AM CT – Electronic voting ballots are distributed to chapter members who have joined before August 1st, 2024
  • August 30th, 2024 at 11:59 PM CT – Electronic ballots close
  • September 4th, 2024 – Results are distributed
  • October 2024 – Run-off elections take place for chapters with remaining vacant positions

Candidate Eligibility

Candidates must be active, paid members of the Alliance in good standing, having maintained their membership for at least six months prior to August 1, 2024. Currently, there are no term limits imposed. Therefore, all existing chapter board members are eligible to run for re-election to their current positions or any other board positions they desire.

Chapters up for Election

  • Region 1 Chapters: Greater Boston
  • Region 3 Chapters: Washington D.C., Central Maryland
  • Region 4 Chapters: North Carolina, Nashville
  • Region 5 Chapters: Orlando, Tampa Bay, Atlanta
  • Region 7 Chapters: Illinois
  • Region 10 Chapters: Austin, Houston
  • Region 11 Chapters: Arizona, Las Vegas
  • Region 13 Chapters: San Diego

More Information

Elected candidates will commence their terms on October 1, 2024, and conclude them on September 30, 2025. In the event of a board member’s resignation or removal during their term, the remaining Chapter Board and their Chapter Delegate will collaborate to identify and elect a suitable replacement. This replacement will serve for the duration of the original term.

Candidates must be active, paid members of the Alliance in good standing, having maintained their membership for at least six months prior to August 1, 2024. Currently, there are no term limits imposed. Therefore, all existing chapter board members are eligible to run for re-election to their current positions or any other board positions they desire.

For a breakdown of all Board positions, their duties, and responsibilities, click here.

Candidates may only apply for the Board Member at Large positions if these roles are already established within the chapter prior to the election cycle. Each candidate is permitted to apply for only one position during the election cycle; in the event of multiple applications, the candidate will be required to choose one.

Candidates will then be prompted to submit a letter of intent, with a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 1000 words. This letter should articulate the candidate’s qualifications for the desired position, relevant experience, and objectives if elected. This letter will be reviewed upon submission and made available to voters during the election period. Candidates’ letters of intent should focus on their personal goals, experiences, and objectives if elected. Any letters from candidates that undermine or disparage others will not be allowed to appear on the ballot.

Lastly, the application will confirm that the candidate has reviewed the Chapter Handbook and Alliance Bylaws and comprehends the associated duties and responsibilities of the role. The process concludes with the candidate signing the Chapter Leader Policy Agreements. These must be signed before August 26th, 2024 for the candidate to appear on the ballot.

Upon the closure of the Self-Declaration form on August 14th, 2024, all candidates will undergo a review by National to ensure compliance with eligibility requirements and the completeness of their applications. The Chapter Delegate Board will subsequently review the professionalism of the letter of intent and adherence to the Alliance Code of Conduct. Should any questions or issues arise concerning a candidate’s application, National will initiate contact for clarification, and possibly request a new letter of intent. Applications from candidates who fail to meet the eligibility criteria will be declined and excluded from the electronic voting ballot.

Candidates will be informed via email if their application has been declined and will not be included on the electronic voting ballot. Should a candidate wish to appeal this decision, they must submit an appeal through the Application Appeal form by August 21, 2024. The appeal must contain the candidate’s reasoning and supporting evidence.

The appeal request will be forwarded to the National Secretary, who will then present it to the Chapter Delegate Board for review. The Board will evaluate the candidate’s justification for inclusion on the ballot alongside the explanation for the initial decline. A two-thirds majority vote by the Chapter Delegate Board is required to reinstate a candidate to the ballot. The candidate will be notified of the appeal outcome via email by August 23, 2024.

Candidates are permitted to campaign and advertise their candidacy through various channels, including their own social media and in-person interactions. All communications must adhere to the Code of Conduct, maintaining a professional tone and focusing on the candidate’s own qualifications and experience, without disparaging others.

To ensure fairness and equity among all candidates, official chapter platforms (such as the Chapter’s Facebook page, Instagram, Gmail, etc.) must remain neutral and refrain from endorsing or highlighting any specific candidate(s).

Current chapter board members cannot use any information that they are privy to to assist them in campaigning, such as the Chapter Member Roster list, Chapter Gmail, or Chapter social media accounts.

Endorsements of candidates are not allowed to be given or advertised.

Electronic ballots for chapter elections will be administered via Election Runner. This platform ensures the integrity and accuracy of the voting process. Voting will commence on August 26, 2024, at 12:00 AM CT and conclude on August 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM CT. 

Eligibility to vote is extended to chapter members who joined before August 1, 2024. Only those members who have designated a chapter participating in the election as their home chapter on their Alliance profile will be eligible to vote in that chapter’s elections. Each eligible member will receive a unique, single-use voting link. This link provides access to information on all approved candidates, including their letters of intent, and allows members to cast their votes electronically. Members may vote for only one candidate per position, including the option to cast an “abstain” vote. An exception to this rule applies to Board Member at Large positions if a chapter has multiple of these positions. In such cases, members may vote for the number of Board Member at Large positions established within the chapter prior to the election.

To encourage maximum participation, Election Runner will send multiple reminder emails throughout the voting period.

The chapter elections will conclude on August 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM CT. Upon closing, the results will be automatically tabulated. These results, finalized within the Election Runner system, are secure and cannot be altered or edited. The final results will be sent out to all chapter members on September 4th, 2024.

Newly elected candidates, as well as current board members elected to new board positions, will receive an email detailing the next steps. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be conducted to determine the winner.

In the event that a chapter does not receive any applications for a board position, or all applicants for a board position are deemed ineligible, or in the event of a tie, the chapter will be required to conduct run-off elections. These run-off elections will be held to fill any remaining vacant positions. Detailed instructions regarding run-off elections will be provided via email to the necessary chapters following the Experience: The Alliance conference in September 2024. The goal is to complete these elections by October 31, 2024. The only exception is if a run-off election is required for the Chapter President position due to a tie. In such cases, a run-off election will be held during the week of September 9, 2024. The winning candidates in these run-off elections will serve for the standard term, concluding on September 30, 2025.

Candidates seeking a detailed breakdown of the vote count for their candidacy should email the National Chapter Program Manager, Pip Franke, with their request. The breakdown will specify the number of votes each candidate received for the position the requestee campaigned for. Should a candidate wish to appeal the election results after reviewing the vote breakdown, they must submit a formal appeal through the Election Results Appeal Form before the election results are ratified by the Chapter Delegate Board at their next meeting. The next scheduled meeting following the general elections is on October 10, 2024, at 12 PM CST. The appeal must include the candidate’s reasoning and supporting evidence.

Upon receipt, the appeal will be forwarded to the National Secretary. The National Secretary will present the appeal to the Chapter Delegate Board, which will review the candidate’s justification and supporting evidence, along with any pertinent context from National. The Chapter Delegate Board will then vote on the appeal, with a two-thirds majority required to approve it. 

The candidate will be notified via email on the status of their appeal. If the appeal is approved, a run-off election will be conducted for the contested position.

The final results of the general chapter elections will be submitted to the Chapter Delegate Board for ratification during the first Chapter Delegate Board meeting following the general elections, which is scheduled to be October 10, 2024, at 12 PM CST. Chapter Delegates will receive a comprehensive voting report detailing each chapter’s voting ballot and the vote counts for each candidate. Results of any run-off elections will be ratified at the subsequent Chapter Delegate Board meeting following the run-off elections. Upon ratification by the Chapter Delegate Board, the election results will be forwarded to the National Secretary for final review and record-keeping.

Multiple communications will be sent to chapter members to inform them of the election procedures. These communications will include notifications via email regarding the opening of the Self-Declaration form, reminders before its closure, guidance on electronic voting procedures upon the opening of the electronic ballot, reminders to participate in voting before the ballot closes, and the announcement of election results. Chapter leaders are welcome to communicate with their members about the elections, urging them to submit applications or participate in voting.

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